Zubrzyca (16km)- there is Orawas etnographic park- there are 25 expositions showing the life of varioussocial strata (nobles, peasants: rich, medium- wealthy, poor) in Orawa since 18th century till 20th century and rural industrial plants: sawmill, smithy. Orawa’s etnographic park was a location for a few polish films such as „Janosik” or „Rire and Sword”
Maków Podhalański (22km) there is a Sanctuary of the Mother of God, Protector and Queen of families
Sucha Beskidzka – there is a renaissance castle called Small Wawel, castle park, Rome tavern, church from 17th century and chapel of confederates of Bar
Wadowice (49km) there is a Family Home museum of John Paul II, basilica dedicated to Blessed Virgin Mary, Jan Paweł place, the Katyn cross and papal cream.